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Decadent Relevance

The reception went well! I was very happy to have good friends come out and enjoy the evening with me. I've learnmed a few things about promoting a show and next time there will be a bigger turnout.. but the space was smaller so it worked for me.

panorama show 1.jpg

Here are a few pictures of the gallery where it was set up... it was a great spot and showed off the work well.


In this photo, second from the left is awaiting the return... This particular piece is a giclee print. It's tough to display in places like this just due to the sheer size of the original.... the Original is 6 feet tall and being a tryptych it reaches 8 feet wide. Reproductions of Awaiting the return will be available online soon. Most of the prints that I will make editions of will be available in different sizes and for the paintings with heavy texture, I plan on doing a photo transfer process and repainting them on to a cast of the original piece; making it pretty much like an original painting.

There are some special plans for a few of these pieces... I hope to sell prints of a few of these and donating most, if not all of the profits to organizations like the burn fund.

I'd like to thank everyone once again for coming by to see my work... it was a pleasure to share it with you.

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