I’M EXCITED!!!! I’m drawing in silver right now and it has a better quality than I’d even imagined. Much like the ballpoint drawing that...

Some old sketches..
I am in the middle of moving my stuff from one studio to another and came across some of my old sketchbooks… Lotsa stuff in there that I...
Treacherous ground... alone.
I was called by a friend today who lost a relative to suicide…. I feel like I’m being pulled to do some work on depression. I believe...

An amazing machine
The human body is an amazing machine and the more I learn about it the more interesting it gets… I am moving on to the bones and muscles...

Some progress
A little bit of progress on the portrait.. more to follow soon.

As inspiration hits...
As long as I can remember I’ve enjoyed drawing, colouring and playing with play dough, plasticine and clay. One early memory that stands...

Yet another sketch..
Still working in ballpoint to improve accuracy, I did another sketch today… I was inspired by the anniversary of the march on Washington....

Another sketch
Still working on speed and accuracy… learning when to walk away from a piece. I’m also looking at doing a piece on depression… a couple...
Closer to artist and further from draftsman.
I’ve recently started to realize that one has to simply learn to be happy with what they produce as far as art is concerned. I’ve been...

More sculpture!
I’ve been working on this piece for a while and hope to have it completed soon… it’s a small portrait of my girlfriend in oil based clay...